Integration hub.
Lilifolia Integration hub
Lilifolia Integration hub is a SAAS Software as a service that integrate numerous third-party platforms to optimize your workflows and increase productivity.
example, the Integration Hub can allow your invoice system to send your
unpaid invoices to debtcollector company that will help you to collect
you debts and also receive data back to your system in this case payment
that the debtcollector managed to collect. Other examples is to allow
your webshop to send the shopcarts to an invoicing system to be able to
create invoices in your invoicing system.
The integration Hub is build to make Integration quick, Easy no-code And support:s
API (Rest and graph sql)
This is the easiest way to connect the system as there is a direct
connection between the two applications. API is the most common method,
allowing data to be transferred in a standard format.
As mentioned above, EDI replaces paper documents with a standardized
electronic format. These usually take place via value-added networks,
third-party networks or directly via the Internet.
This is a "hidden" software layer that brings together systems and
applications under one roof. It provides applications with common
services and functionality beyond that provided by the operating system.
are sometimes called HTTP callbacks. These are real-time messages sent
between systems when triggered by specific events.
adding support a new software to the INTEGRATIONHUB the software will
be able to communicate with all other software in the hub !
Some of the software we support per today and we add new softwares all the time . ADOBE COMMERCE (MAGENTO), POWER OFFICE GO, TTRIPLETEX, VISMA NET, ViSMA ERP, UNIMICRO, FILE FORMAT VISKAN COLLECTOR FORMAT, UNIMICRO V3 and more.
Under development and to come ! VISMA BUSINESS NXT, VISMA eECONOMI and much more